2013 April

Entrepreneurial Growth Pattern: an Academic Case Study

Growth is one of the most important goals of most startups and entrepreneurs in particular small businesses and plays a dominant role in some macroeconomic factors such as unemployment rate, economic growth, regional growth, etc. Nowadays, growth is a gauge for measuring the success of small firms. In the academic study for my MBA thesis in Umeå School of Business and Economics, I have chosen the growth as the research topic with the focus on entrepreneurial growth in small firms….

Entrepreneurial Intelligence: The Flipsides of Flying under the Radars

In the previous post I have discussed the challenges of protecting the innovation and trade secrets. This is important to keep the secrets of the company inside the organization and make sure the business idea and core competencies are protected well. Flying under the radar is the approach of most entrepreneurs during their seed stage for business idea protection. I have been involved in couple of startup consultancy projects as well as starting my own firm and I have seen…